Management Perspective from Ayat Kursi Interpretation
The purpose of this writing is to create learning perspective towards strategy creation from writer limited understanding of Ayat Kursi for any organization (Co) or person who wish to use it.
1) Almighty Allah poses all the greatness hence human should first submit to Allah and accept our weaknesses. Understanding and accepting our weaknesses or limitation then only we can strategize ways to achieve worldly greatness.
2) Deliberation of a few of Allah greatness stated in Ayat Kursi will help focus on what strategy to be adopted as the right strategy and on time implementation will ensure sustained organization success, and growth.
3) Concept, tools and principle used for deliberation purposes only, as the taught is only permissible through Allah will, for the worldly guru to come up with stated wisdom.
1) Allah! There is no god but He - the Living, The Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him Nor Sleep.
Allah, tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia yang Maha Kekal lagi terus menerus mengurus makhluk-Nya, tidak mengantuk dan tidak tidur.
1.a) Fact : There is only one god that we should submit to.
Perspective: Human are differing by nature hence we need leader. There should be only one leader at any one time with clear objective e.t.c that we need to follow. However our weakness is that our stamina won’t last forever (Eternal, Allah MahaKekal) hence different situation may call for different leader for optimum result. Hanshin Kori (mission vision statement) approach may apply. “A good leader is a good follower” because we leaders are weak as compare to Allah who is perfect. Co should be relevant to Customer now and in the future, strategy should be created and implemented.
1.b) Fact: Management policy deployment should be continuous. (self-subsisting, terus menerus mengurus makhluk-Nya)
Perspective: In managing or guiding an organization nothing beats continuity and consistency . This also our weaknesses, we cannot be managing all location at one any time nor all the time. Adapting business or personnel succession plan, learning culture, appraisal by ASK (Attitude, Skill & Knowledge), continual versus continuous and etc may counter this weaknesses. Right capable delegation and competent empowerment to be developed and practiced within organization to allay the above needed fact.
1.c) Fact: Our weaknesses includes the need for rest and sleep nor do Allah (No slumber can seize Him nor sleep, tidak mengantuk dan tidak tidur)
Perspective: Human need right amount and proper sleep, exercise, diet and good spiritual belief. The organization ability to influence or engage workforce towards better management of these basic need, will ensure optimum quality decision and action by workforce in executing their daily function. Further understanding of benefits of Solat, Doa, and others as taught by Quraan and Hadis will ensure right soul imparted to the above performed need. Nothing beats Allah creation and guidance i.e. nature and Quran teaching. The most important asset in any organization health is human hence it is imperative to ensure they are mentally and physically well taken care off especially when done the Islamic way.Co – find ways of associating greatness to Co. Inserting measures so that Co is having no less importance to Co stakeholders priorities in life for example family, security, recognition e.t.c. Repackaging Co to Islamic virtues and wisdom
2) His are all things In the heavens and on earth.
Kepunyaan-Nya apa yang di langit dan di bumi.
2.a) Fact: We are limited or bounded by what we have or have not
Perspective : Once Co understand what we have through correct SWOT analysis, we need to plan and mitigate all the constraints faced and risk forecasted. Right collaboration within network who have what we have not or vice versa, we may optimize the opportunity available or created, as time cannot condone our limitation.
2.b) Fact: Worldly limitation do created by mankind.
Perspective : As we are bounded by what we have or what we think we have, challenging the norm or stretching the limit will give us the edge in this competitive world. “if mankind can perceive, mankind will realize it”, “Fear nothing but Allah, others follows suit”.
2.c) Fact: Stretch the limit to achievable and attainable target as only Allah is boundless or limitless.
Perspective: Human are weak hence they need SMART(specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound) for each target KPI leaders or organization set. For example by understanding Supply Chain SIPOC (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer) limitation and need, right horizon setting with optimal depth helps delivery or other service commitment.We should meet customer expectation as agreed, collect the cash when it is due and embarked cost savings once the norm being challenged successfully (i.e. Kaizen, CI and etc)
3) Who is there can intercede In His presence except As he permitteth
Tiada yang dapat memberi syafa'at di sisiAllah tanpa izin-Nya.
3.a) Fact: Syafaat or recognition is human basic natural spiritual need, Allah grant to whom He wish to.
Perspective: Typical worldly guru talks about recognition being one of human basic need. Always stated, recognition need factor for example 8Ds or other systematic project or resolution approach. Throughout the Co stakeholders are always yearning for recognition. However recognition should be given when it is due or earned similar to above verse, in order to guarantee fairness to all stakeholders and sustainability of accomplishments. Sample of drives includes Best Employee of the month, Best Supplier Delivery performance. No less importance Co need to be recognized as worthy partner with Customer again to stay relevant.
4) He knoweth What (appeareth to His creatures As) Before or After or Behind them. Nor shall they compass Aught of his knowledge Except as He willeth.
Allah mengetahui apa-apa yang di hadapanmereka dan di belakang mereka, dan merekatidak mengetahui apa-apa dari ilmu Allah melainkan apa yang dikehendaki-Nya.
4a) Fact : Human are weak being as we are not sure what actually main confronting factor at our face and thriving factor at our back.
Perspective: having the rear view mirror and on board display monitor tool checked consistently will help keep Co in the race. However creating the future will always keep Co in the driving seat. What information, networking, information and etc to be established in order for Co to stay in the driving seat for the market or Customer eyes. To prepare for all possibilities will exhaust available resources, correct strategy through useful market intelligence will give required result.
4b) Fact: Human knowledge is just a mere drop of water compare to the vast sea of Allah knowledge.
Perspective: Co should and always remember that her greatest advantageous is being a Muslim set up. Full use of Quran teaching will ensure success. For example just observing Allah creation – nature, human came up with the concept of balance, and flow in manufacturing. Insya Allah there will be more to be unveiled if tawakal is there after best effort given.
5) His throne doth extend Over the heavens And on earth, and He feeleth No fatigue in guarding And preserving them, For He is the Most High. The Supreme (in glory)
Kursi (pengetahuan atau kekuasaan) Allah meliputi langit dan bumi, Dan Allah tidak merasa berat memelihara keduanya, dan Allah Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Besar. (QS : Al-Baqarah : 255).
5a) Fact: Allah knowledge and greatness are boundless, nor do human.
Perspective: Does that mean Co should have market focus or leverage on Islamic virtue on Ikhwanul bond to maximize the market potential. Without stretch vision, Co will age prematurely.
5b) Fact: Stamina is the issue, how to sustain.
Perspective: Neither wealth or worldly benefits beats learned and spirited soul. Finding the Islamic ways in feeding the souls will sustain the stamina to be relevant for worthy period.